
Jane Van Doe - >aplusk poem alpusk poem aplusk poem aplusk poetry aplusk poet

2014-11-10 4 Dailymotion

T w i t-Wits & T w e e t e r-Dumbs

Today you t w i t t e r, then you t w e e t,
as though to make your lives complete,
by echoing thoughts of people you admire.

Anticipating that great t w i t t e r,
you clutch your phones to reconsider,
the text-ed words of wisdom you desire.

You t w i t t e r s prattle thoughts absurd,
as t w e e t e r s follow in a herd,
of voyeuristic bids to be of note.

You t w e e t and t w i t t e r photographs.
You L O L, the twitting laugh,
amassing t w i t-w i t s, with the rights to gloat.

You T w e e t e r-Dumbs are text-ed astray,
rushing to t w i t t e r your lives away,
losing precious time you'll come to rue.

As t w e e t e d gems of rehashed glitter,
by willing t w i t s, of useless t w i t t e r,
dissolve in a vast milieu, void of sinew.

© 2010 JVD

Jane Van Doe
